Sunday, October 5, 2008

Anushka Promotes Graphology

If you thought that it is only astrology or numerology that rules the roost in the film industry then here is more to it. These are the days of a new method called Graphology, this is the art of understanding one's mentality and changing your lifestyle through the change in your handwritings.

So, one starlet who has been raving about this is none other than the voluptuous beauty Anushka. It is heard that Anushka has got in touch with a graphologist and that person had advised few changes in her handwriting and also few alterations in her writing strokes and this would surely bring about a change in her thought process and the overall life. The obedient girl that she is, Anushka had done few stints with her writing.

They have turned out to be successful and it is heard that she could feel the change, so without wasting time she has been promoting and recommending this new form to many of her friends. This sure sounds creative and if one can change his/her destiny by changing the writing style then why not try it…

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