Monday, September 8, 2008

My Mom Is Sexier'

While it is one thing that the actresses and heroines are considered to be very pretty there are many cases wherein the mothers of this starlets are found to be really attractive and one can understand how the stars get their pretty looks. Now, here is one star that is proud to claim that her mom is sexier than her.

We are talking about the petite beauty Trisha who was speaking about her mom says that she loves her mom's eyes and also added that her mom used to be the sexiest figure in her young age. The good looking factor can be vouched since many of those who have seen Trisha's mother few times are truly in awe.

Meanwhile, there is the other end who are the more cynical types and they have expressed a doubt as to there is no clue why she is marketing her mom. Marketing or not, the truth remains that Trisha is proud of her mom and the audience are proud of the starlet.

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