Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jagapathi Babu-JD Chakry's Reality Show

The reality show concept has become a huge hit in India and now we have reached a stage wherein at any given point, one reality show will be on if you switch on the television. It appears that this has given an idea to the actor-director J D Chekravarthy who has come up with his own style of promoting his film.

Apparenty, JD is being seen across in many channels wherein he has a candid conversation with senior star Jagapati Babu who happens to be his co-star in the recently released 'Homam' and those who have watched it keenly say that Jaggu has been busy trying to give a dress down to JD while the latter keeps taking it with a smile.

JD once said that he loves if gossips are written on him and if anybody is scolding him in public- A rare perverted taste indeed.

This conversation appears to be more like a reality show and whether it will help bring some more audience to the theatre or not is not known but the viewers are surely enjoying the way JD is being ripped apart and taking all that in his stride sweetly and proceeding with wanting more. Keep it up both!!!

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