Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rajini fans inspire from Chiru fans?

Wall-posters heralding the entry of Rajinikanth into politics by his fans sparked speculation that the superstar planned to make debut in politics much on the lines of Chiranjeevi. Prajarajyam, the party floated by Chiranjeevi in Andhra Pradesh ‘RPT Pradesh Rajnirajyam in Tamil Nadu’ read a poster that appeared in many parts of the Chennai.
Discussions with fans in October and crown Chief Minister’s post in 2011, hunter king coming to move to fort the secretariat, another poster said. The posters with photographs of Rajinikanth and Chiranjeevi bore names of some office bearers of Coimbatore district Rajnikanth fans association. Rajinikanth was scheduled to discuss the issue of entering politics and starting a party with his fans from October 12 to October 18 amid expectations by his fans that he will follow the footsteps of Chiranjeevi, one of his close friends.

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