BILLA, a Tamil Blockbuster, had AJITH to take care of the style factor. By the way, for any under informed fans… BILLA was a Tamil film starring AJITH KUMAR & NAYANATARA in the lead roles and was directed by VISHNU VARDHAN. A Telugu remake of this film, starring PRABHAS as the male lead and ANUSHKA SHETTY as the female lead, is being launched on 9th October on the eve of Vijaya Dasami. This, yet to be titled, movie would be directed by MEHER RAMESH (director of Kantri) under the banner of GOPI KRISHNA MOVIES.
According to some reports, a major part of this film will be featured in the locales of Malaysia and Korea. Meher Ramesh is currently enjoying these places to identify the locations. Although the other female lead is not yet finalized, most probably PRIYAMANI or BHAVANA might sign up.
The first and the foremost problem for Meher, would be to transform Prabhas in to a stylish dude who oozes sophistication. It is not a secret that last attempt by Prabhas to get stylized in MUNNA was a damp squib. Not only the movie was disastrously flop, he even received flak for his mismatch of LOOKS Vs ACCENT. For any good actor, voice is one of the most important asset. And only good actors can modulate their voice according to the character’s demands. Prabhas has been failing in this department by repeating the same modulation since his first film. I mean just imagine him with his native accent (yaasa) acting cool as Ajith in Billa… Laughable… Isn’t it? Lets hope that Prabhas would work hard on not just looks… but also his style and accent.
Just have a look at Ajith in the below photograph…
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