Multistarrer film ‘Uu kodathara Ulikki Padatara’ starring Bala Krishna and Manchu Manoj in the leads roles with Panchi Bora and Deeksha Seth playing the leading ladies, will have its music launch on May 18 in Guntur amidst Bala Krishna and Mohan Babu fans. Mohan Babu is the presenter of the film.
UKUP FirstLook was unveiled on 12th May grandly at Gandarva Mahal, a 6.5 crore set erected for filming of UKUP in Manikonda. The event was graced by Tollywood biggies Dasari Narayana Rao, Raghavendra Rao, B Gopal, MS Raju, K S Rama Rao and other cast and crew of the film including Bala Krishna, Manchu Manoj, producer cum actress Lakshmi Prasanna, director Sekhar Raja et al.
Laksmi Manchu produced UKUP with high technical values without any compromise on Manchu Entertainments banner. Bobo sashi composed the tunes. Uu kodathara Ulikki Padatara was shot in bilingual versions in Telugu and Tamil and will have simultaneous release.
UKUP FirstLook was unveiled on 12th May grandly at Gandarva Mahal, a 6.5 crore set erected for filming of UKUP in Manikonda. The event was graced by Tollywood biggies Dasari Narayana Rao, Raghavendra Rao, B Gopal, MS Raju, K S Rama Rao and other cast and crew of the film including Bala Krishna, Manchu Manoj, producer cum actress Lakshmi Prasanna, director Sekhar Raja et al.
Laksmi Manchu produced UKUP with high technical values without any compromise on Manchu Entertainments banner. Bobo sashi composed the tunes. Uu kodathara Ulikki Padatara was shot in bilingual versions in Telugu and Tamil and will have simultaneous release.